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Michelle Williams

Michelle Williams looks quite soft and beautiful on the latest cover of Angeleno Magazine's January copy. Below are a few quotes pulled from the excerpt...gosh she is just the most. And we are having a hard time deciding between who deserves this year's Oscar the most! Michelle for Blue Valentine or Natalie Portman in Black Swan?

On her daughter Matilda... “It’s crazy how fast time is going for me and how agonizingly slow it is going for her. When she was four she would say ‘I am four and a half,’ ‘I am four and five-sixths,’ ‘four and seven-eights,’ because all the increments mattered. They brought her one step closer.”

On her breakout role in Brokeback Mountain... “I was just an actor who happened to be lucky enough to be in the right place, and it was the place where I met Matlida’s father [the late Heath Ledger], and that is a lot. And it will be a lot for Matlida too, when she gets around to watching it. I will watch it with her, when she’s ready.”

On moving to L.A. in her teens... “I think bravery and foolishness must be cousins. There is a fine line between them and teeter-tottering on that line was me at 15. It did work out well for me, but it just as easily could have not. I’m lucky. L.A. is not the kind of town to be 15 and on your own in.”

Stop over at AngelenoMagazine.com for th rest of Michelle’s interview!

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